Monday, June 29, 2009

Golden Days.


Finally, a new post. I've played around with my layout too. It may undergo more changes in the near future.
Alix, aka the Cherry Blossom Girl, MADE this dress. How wonderful!
What fun things have you been up to?
I have been:
Cheese and wine tasting in Sydney.
Drinking strawberry champagne.
Baking scones and eating 'til we've got food babies with my cousin.
Having smoothie dates with my boyfriend.
Walking around my suburb in the late morning after my massive sleep-ins.
Watching so many episodes of various television shows it's not funny. Current favourite is AusNTM.
And tomorrow - I am going on a picnic with my friends from Uni! In the morning I plan to make one of those bread bowls with a spinach and cheese filling.
Speaking of Uni, today I realised I probably can graduate this year! Scary. I had been thinking it would be half way next year but after figuring out all my units it appears I can do it this year. Scary!
Hope you're well :)
Bloss x